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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Emerging Technology: Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is the idea of an inventor or someone with a great product or product concept can come online and pitch their product to people who have pledged to give money if the invention is meets its required goal. But the great part is the inventor does not have to sell any stakes in their product. If they succeed in their goal they get all the money raised and get 100% stake in their product. I think this will be a great way for new products and inventors to emerge successful and help them establish themselves and they in return help fund other inventors and make an endless chain that constantly makes technology improve. I was surprised that people were willing to give money for no stake in the business. Facebook was an emerging technology in 2009 that is no longer emerging.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Theodore Roosevelt: The River of Doubt

Theodore Roosevelt: The River of Doubt

After Theodore Roosevelt lost the 1912 presidential election in the U.S. he decided he was invited to go to South America. He agreed because his son, Kermit, was already down there and he figured he would go down. Upon arrival he was asked to go on a mission to explore and map the River of Doubt. He gladly accepted and set off with a crew of men including his son and the well known explorer Colonel Rondon. The men faced horrible incidents including raging rapids, deadly diseases, and dangerous tribes and animals. Roosevelt himself came down with Malaria and almost died if it wasn’t for his son Kermit aiding him in sickness. They had to face deaths and danger but overall Roosevelt was successful in his mission. In honor of his bravery and success the river formerly known as The River of Doubt was changed to the River of Roosevelt.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Online Safety

Alicia Kozakiewicz was just a normal 13 year old girl. But then she met a man online who she thought was harmless. It turned out he was a deranged pervert. He kidnapped Alicia and drove her across state lines where he caged her up, beat her, and raped her. This article horrified me; just how easily a teenage girl someone I could have been friends with could just be snatched up and tortured. It is very scary and eye opening. But the reality is kids are giving away their information everyday online and this can easily happen to anyone. I think kids should never give out any personal information and only chat or friend people they know. If everyone followed these guidelines online predators could easily be avoided.


Tuesday, January 31, 2012


            Google has been changing rapidly. This march they are making a few changes to their policies. Google is taking all 70 of their policies and combining it into one. Also if you’re signed in, Google may combine information you've provided from one service with information from other services like your Gmail account or YouTube account. Last, Google is remembering all your contacts information and such, so it can be easier to share things with them.

            This has caused many articles to pop up and is really getting people going. In one CNET article “Google responds to Congress over privacy policy inquiries”, it explained how Google could be infringing on people’s privacy. Some of congress thought some users should be able to opt out of the data collection. Google just explained that it is one single policy that will make Google easier and more effective for everyone.

            I can see why some people might be weary or scared of Google’s new changes. But, I also think people need to realize Google is a free service. They can opt out of the data collection by not using Google. Google is not a necessity and is only there for the greater good for everyone. By letting Google collect our search data it is going to ultimately help Google make a better website and search engine and any other gadget they make and it will help everyone. So, I think people should not be selfish with their data that Google is only using for the good.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Copyright Infringement Case

Joel Tenenbaum was sued by SONY BMG Music Entertainment, Warner Bros. Records Inc., Arista Records LLC, and UMG Recordings Inc. The case started in July of 2009. Joel was accused of downloading thirty songs and uploading them onto KaZaA, a popular music sharing site. This was clearly an infringement on the record label's music. Joel was found guilty and had to pay $675,000 to the four record labels.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Internet Safety

I believe internet safety to be taking all the right steps and precautions to ensure your own well being while on the internet. Internet safety is mostly about being smart and using your common sense! Also you should report anything that causes you to feel uncomfortable or is inappropriate. Third, you need to be adamant about using a virus scan and smart about what sites you visit to ensure you don’t get a virus on your computer which could potentially cause problems not only you but your family as well. Deputy Krupp’s presentation was mostly the same old talk on internet safety. But, I did learn that you could get your phone confiscated for having inappropriate pictures because it is a crime. Another thing Deputy Krupp touched on was changing your passwords frequently. This is one thing I could improve on; I always keep the same password for just about everything.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Feed Readers

Today I got the chance to work with both of the feed readers,Google Reader and Bloglines. To me I thought Bloglines was a much better feed reader. First off it looked much nicer and more organized than Google Reader did. Also, there was social networking gadgets on Bloglines that Google Reader did not have. I liked having the social networking gadgets because it allowed me to sign into only one website instead of multiple ones. Last, Bloglines gives much more effective suggestions than Google Reader did. The feeds Bloglines suggested to me were more useful to me. I am much more likely to continue using Bloglines than I am Google Readers.